36. An Entrepreneur's Supernatural Moment
It took twenty years for Rob Kischuk to reconcile his interests and talents with a business model that works. At forty-three he arrived.
Rob is the founder and CEO of Bellwood Labs. His mission is to build the code that captures your vision. His talent is to attract, assemble and motivate the technical teams to build and deliver the desired product. And he is doing it every day with bigger and bigger projects coming his way.
I met Rob fifteen years ago. He was just stepping into the role of entrepreneur. And this is a tough place to be for a person who graduated with honors from Georgia Tech with a Computer Science degree. He was surrounded by advisors who were telling him
The product to build
The company to create
The method to be used to fund it
The skills he needed to succeed
And he followed their advice.
But over time, he learned something very important. He learned how to answer those questions for himself. He learned why people were attracted to him. How he could help them. Then he realized it was precisely what he enjoyed doing and was good at. And that is a supernatural moment.
This is an interview of high value for aspiring entrepreneurs and those on the journey but not yet arrived.