Thoughts on Work, Life, and Meaning
10. Negative self-talk eliminates idealism. If you continue this self-talk, you may find you are no longer willing to succeed. Worse yet, you may find yourself willing to fail.
9. When you lose sight of your vision, it is time to step back and think, pray, and ask God for a new vision.
8. Be careful not to get stuck in the familiar.
7. When you are head down, doing your thing day in and day out, allowing life to be scheduled by the system you plugged into, before you know it, life is over.
6. If you set yourself outside the “system” and allow yourself to think out of the box, life might become richer, better, more suited to your dreams.
5. You want to learn from the person who is too busy to teach. To get the most from learning, offer to pay for a finite period of time of teaching you. This makes you a serious student and provides them with an economic incentive.
4. Ask questions that dig deep into people’s motivation.
3. The more you care about a topic and the more the topic is critical to you, the more you must be willing to forgo social niceties to pursue a satisfying answer.
2. The need for love is the need to be loved all the time. It needs to be reciprocated. But that doesn’t always happen when and how we want it. Sometimes we don’t deserve it.
1. I found unconditional love from my Creator. Jesus came from Heaven to save me from myself.