It Is Time They Pay Up
They are using our data. They should pay us.
The Feds are starting to see Facebook and Google as the monopolies they are. But the Feds don’t know what to do about them. Bust them up. How? The Feds are in the business of keeping citizens safe from harm and abuse. I have a solution.
Make Facebook and Google pay for our personal data.
They operate with no direct cost of goods sold. We give them our data, and they allow us to use their system. In Facebook’s model, they allow us to keep in touch with our friends and family. They allow us to broadcast our content. They give us the ability to sell our stuff on their site to our friends. In short, they give us amazing connections.
What they don’t give us is money.
They are making money, and lots of it, on our personal data. They sell our data to their advertisers. The advertisers are hungry to know my gender, my age, my zip code, my income, my buying habits, my friends, the sites I visit, the things I’m interested in buying or learning about, all kinds of data.
How about if Facebook and Google do a deal with me?
Pay me $9.99 per month and give me free access to your platform, and I’ll let you use my data.
This will do a few things.
I will be paid to be sold, which gives me extra income.
Because there is a real cost for my data, Facebook and Google won’t make unreasonable profits that fuel their monopolies.
Because there is a real economic model now for the consumer, new companies will be built to do what these companies do.
I think this is a fair deal with good outcomes all the way around. The only thing the Feds need to do is give Facebook and Google the price list for our personal data. Just think about all the new consumer money in circulation. And for the Fed, well they have the IRS, so they’ll get their piece of the action, too!
What do you think?