What is Your Monopoly? Why it is the key to your success.
Where are you the best in the world? No, really. You are so good at something, for someone, that it is your monopoly. No one can compete with you there. Answer these questions to help you determine your market, service, methodology, and network.
What industry did you last work in?
Within that industry, what business do you understand better than any other business?
Within that business, what size business (market segment) were you most successful in?
Within that size business, which position in the business do you really connect with?
Within that position, what are their critical needs?
Within these critical needs, which of these can you solve?
Within your solution, how do you solve the problem?
Finally, how does your faith or belief system evidence itself in your solution?
As you can see, you need to dig deeper and deeper. Become more and more focused. Zero in on the “it.” This is your monopoly. This will be your success.