The Silent Cost of Remote Work: What We Lose When We Lose "Shoulder Time"
In the shift to remote work, we’ve gained flexibility, but we’ve lost something invaluable—shoulder time. Jason Smith, founder of iStaff, reflects on how the informal, in-person exchanges in a bullpen taught him the nuances of his profession. Without these spontaneous interactions, new employees miss out on vital learning opportunities, relying solely on structured training. While remote setups can still breed success with the right individuals, there’s a distinct gap left by the absence of overheard advice or quick, corrective feedback from seasoned colleagues. Watch this exchange, and then check out the rest of the fascinating conversation. I think you will enjoy it.
In remote work, how do we bridge the gap left by the absence of informal learning, like “shoulder time”? How have you found creative ways to mentor or gain insights when spontaneous feedback is no longer part of the daily routine?
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