Blake Patton is the VC, and Dan Ciprari is the entrepreneur and CEO. Two different jobs, two different responsibilities, and yet they have one mission. That mission is to build a valuable company for themselves, their employees, and their investors.
There are good times and challenging times on the way to building a startup. Most discussions focus on the exit. These two men are looking to exit one day. But that day hasn’t come yet. In the meantime, they must find ways to contribute their shared experiences and personalities to make this business go big.
I had a chance to interview these two great men on their relationship. We were at the Angel Lounge at the ATDC, and the attendees were all active angel investors.
I am publishing this interview because I thought you might want to listen in. Building a business is hard. Relationships are even harder.
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17. Entrepreneur vs. VC: The Relationship from Both Sides of the Investment